My OrthoClear Progress
For those who were wondering how my whole OrthoClear progress is going, I've finally got photos!

On the top left is what my teeth looked like before I started treatment. The top teeth were beginning to crowd, especially pushing my canine teeth outwards. My lower teeth were very crowded and uneven. You can see the spaces on the bottom.

This is what my teeth looked like after five months using OrthoClear (my treatment is supposed to last a little over 12 months total). Can you see my buttons? I don't have the aligners on in this shot. You can see that my front teeth are a bit more in line with each other on the top. On the bottom, you can't see any more gaps! Overall, my lower arch has been widened quite a bit (the uppers as well, but not as much), and my teeth are finally starting to fit properly in my mouth!

Here are what my teeth look like after nine months of treatment. The gap in the lower left tooth area is smaller, and the top teeth are more in line with each other. What you can't see is the major improvement in my overbite. My profile has changed; it used to protrude out, making my already small chin look even smaller. Now my profile is starting to look almost normal! I still have the small chin, though. :)

And here's what they look like when I have my aligners in. Barely noticable, huh?
And here are some shots of the aligners on their own:

Hey, Christine ---
Thanks for posting your progress pics - I marvel at how much movement your teeth have gone through in those first 13 sets. But, when I look at the difference in my own first 12, I can't see near the movement - then I remind myself that you wear each set for 3 weeks minimum with Orthoclear, where my Invisalign trays are only worn for 2 weeks each.
Soooooo - how far along are you since your treatment began now?
Your smile is looking fab!
Anne, at 7:09 AM
Ooops - sorry to be so thick, Christine. You have clearly posted in your tray comparison pics that you began treatment in September. And that your teeth pics show the difference after nine months.
OK - going into set #11 for myself tomorrow, puts me in treatment for 5 1/2 months now with my Invisalign.
Think I've got it now.
Just takes me a while ;)
Anne, at 4:49 PM
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